Monday, November 29, 2010

Oh my, has it been a long time since i've blogged!

Oh my, has it been a long time since i've blogged!  Well, I have been hard at work on both my album art and my book cover.  My plan is to spend a lot of time on those and try to avoid doing the cheesy airbrush as long as possible.  Not really, i am just not looking forward to doing it.  I feel like we should have to do the cheesy project on the side of a van, or a t-shirt given out to tourists in Miami or something.  Know what I mean?  I see them all the time, I was at the Jersey boardwalk one time and they had a whole stand for these lame shirts.  Perfectly good space wasted!  And it's not that the airbrush makes it looks cheesy, it's a big part, but the subject matter is really cheesy too.  It's usually like characters, i see a lot of names too.  Do people actually thing these are quality shirts?  I think for the price of a plain white tee, cost of dyes, airbrushes, and a vendor's license I could make a pretty good living as an airbrush artist. These shits were selling at around $15 - $20 each!  EACH!  So let's see: a cheap white tee is about $2 (max), dyes are maybe $50 for a bigger set (i'll say average one or two bucks on a single shirt, we'll say one because most are one or two color), sold at an average $17, THAT'S ABOUT $14 PROFIT!  UNBELIEVABLE!  What was i talking about, oh right progress. Well today we had to show progress on our album cover.  I did a simple wash and then beefed it up with line art.  I will be putting in a ocean-like background.

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