Tuesday, September 14, 2010

The joy of watercolor continues . . . with architecture!

For Monday's class we had to again do ten 5" x 7" watercolors but we had to focus on architecture this time.  Not too bad, i felt like i had to really constrain what i was doing while with painting a landscape i could let my brush go wherever.  I feel this would have been a lot easier / i think my paintings would have looked a lot better had the added effect of line art in there.  Anyways, here are a few selections:

This is a little shed i came up with in my head, it's just barely holding i  there, the roof is falling in and it has been overrun with foliage and such.  I think the multiple layers on the side really helped give it the impression of age.

Yes, the skyscrapers may look like blue french fries, but i was attempting to give it a far away feel and almost have it fading into the background, hence their color.  I also thought the trees in the foreground came out really well!

This is definetly my favorite out of this batch!  The clouds came out great!  I wanted this to look aged as well so i did a little lifting with a towel when it was still wet.

During class we had to do one of our paintings over again, i decided to do my little shed over again, i thought it came out alright, my green did not show up as well this time around on the shed.

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