Wednesday, September 1, 2010

More line art excellence

We had to again do 10 5" x 7" line art illustrations, however....this time we had to do them based off of pictures.  I placed the pictures under tracing paper and well, drew them!  I took a few new pictures and also used some old ones.  I found this easier and harder than free-handing.  One one hand, i got the proportions perfect, but also felt a need to make every little detail perfect because i knew exactly where everything went.  I resisted the urge and found a good balance between detail and simplicity.  Make sense?  Any who... these are my two favorites.  Fun fact, the pipes actually took me the longest time out of any of these.

Pipes; the under-sink time-consumers

Flowers; If you squint hard enough, they will stay the same color

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