Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Finding Orange in Nature

For Wednesday's class we had to do another two 8" x 10" watercolors.  For this, i decided to use an orange palette in favor of the fall atmosphere.  FOr the first one i tried a bunch of changing trees, with leaves on the ground.  It turned out okay.  In retrospect i should have painted in the tree limbs in later, they look a little weird as is.  I will definitely have to peek-a-boo them in next time.  The ground gave me the most trouble, i had to wait a while for it to dry, but i got my leaves down okay, i will try putting the leaves down first next time.  Then i had a lot of warm colors left over so i asked myself, what's quick to paint and the same colors?  A mesa of course!  Something in Arizona or around there.  It was a pretty quick painting.  I really liked how the sky turned out, and i think it scanned down pretty well.

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