Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Ryle Collage final Marker Comp.

For Wednesday's class we had to do a to-scale marker comp of our concept for the Ryle Hall cafeteria's non-existent wall.  Yes, that's right, there's no wall there.  We went there to look at the wall, and guess what?  It's not there!  So, needless to say, i was a little unmotivated on this one.  I mean seriously, the only place where there was anywhere close to enough room was the temporary wall they have up while the other half is being finished and there is no way they would paint on that right?  Hmm...I reminds me of a mural I did my senior year of high school.   this custard place asked two high schools to do murals for their blank walls.  I had the idea to do our on a big canvas so that if (really when) the place closed, it would be able to be moved.  The other school just painted theirs on the wall, with a projector mind you!  Cheaters!  Anyways, the place closed months later and ours got moved somewhere, i have yet to be told its location, and the other school's mural is still on the wall, you can see it as you drive by.  Here's my mural, scanned and posted.  It is meant to show campus, community and global diversity.  I showed this by having a student, then a recent grad in a suit going to her new job.  Next is community and i showed that by having a police officer.  Last is global and i showed some world-leader like people.  On the other side i did a similar thing.  Closest to the middle is a guy showing campus by cleaning up.  Community is next showing a guy teaching environmentalism to the next generation, and then a global power at the end, the prez. to be exact, it seemed like the right thing to do.  My only concern with that is how well it will date.  I don't want kids looking at this years from now and laughing because "he was president sooo long ago!"  I got that feeling looking at the one collage with all the technology as well, i mean in 10 years, heck 5 years, all that stuff will be out of date.  They don't even make film for those polaroids anymore either!  Oh, and i was going for curtains behind the prez. on the far left.  Enjoy:  

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