Sunday, October 17, 2010

Gou(head)ache thoughts, actually that sums it pretty well.

So on Friday the 15th, we started playing with Gouache.  Try imagining painting with mud, it's something like that.  I like the fact that it can be reworked over and over again, unlike watercolor, where i try to go over something again and it stains that area.  speaking of watercolor, i had an a-ha moment while painting my red barn photos this weekend.  I realized that i hate watercoloring.  Oh wait, i already knew that.  Hmm, despite my disadvantage to this media, i will continue to attempt to work at it.  I think I do a lot better when I go over it with marker.  I value my drawing skills over my watercoloring skills and think the two combined can turn out some pretty col stuff, i refer to my triceratops painting: 

I really enjoy the graphic style i get from it.  This is, after all, Illustration class, and i have been dying to do some illustrating.  Than again, illustration  is a kind of generic term.

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